Public Records
WEBLINK – Public Records Portal
As part of the City’s ongoing commitment to transparency, the City of Covina maintains an online archive (Laserfiche) of many City documents. City Council agendas, resolutions, minutes, and ordinances from 1980 to present and Building Permits are also available to search by street address. Legislative records are accessible by utilizing the links below. Please be patient during ongoing maintenance and adjustments to improve the portal.
Statement of Economic Interests
The Political Reform Act of 1974 requires persons holding specified public offices to file disclosures of investments, real property interests, and income within specified periods of assuming office, leaving office and annually while holding office.
Access and E-file a 700 Form
The Filer Access Portal is a web-based, data entry filing system that allows individuals to submit their Statement of Economic Interest(Form 700) to the electronic filing system. Click here to enter the Filer Access Portal.
Public officials who are identified under Government Code Section 87200 file their Statement of Economic Interest (Form 700) with the City Clerk, who is the filing officer. A copy is retained in the City Clerk’s Office and the original is forwarded to the California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC). Additionally, candidates for Covina elected positions are required to file a Statement of Economic Interests with the City Clerk’s Office no later than the final filing date of the nomination period. Employees designated in the Covina Conflict of Interest Code and certain consultants who hold positions that involve making or participating in the making of decisions, which may foreseeably have a material effect on the holder’s financial interest must also file. Click here to view a copy of the City of Covina’s current Conflict of Interest Code.
Pursuant to Government Code Section 87505, below is a list of names and position titles for each of the elected offices identified in G.C. Section 87200.
Local Government Records
The City of Covina supports the right to access public records that are created and maintained by the City in the normal course of business. Pursuant to the California Public Records Act, the City Clerk’s Office will notify you within 10 calendar days of receiving a request of its determination, in addition to whether it may be necessary to provide notification of a 14-day extension. Please note that requests submitted after normal business hours will be considered received the next business day. (Government Code Section 6250-6270).
Please note that birth certificates, death records, and marriage licenses are held at the Los Angeles Registrar-Recorder County Clerk’s Office and can be obtained by calling (800)201-8999 or by visiting the Registrar-Recorder website.
Any person may request to inspect or receive a copy of an identifiable public record, except those records that are exempt under the provisions of the law. Fees for copies are in accordance with the Fee Schedule adopted per Covina Resolution No. 16-7554.
Please complete the form below by providing a clear and specific description of the information you are requesting such as dates, addresses, or titles of document(s) sought. Please submit the completed form to the City Clerk’s Office in person, by mail, email or by fax (626)384-5425.
Gifts to Agency Report - Form 801
Pursuant to Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) adopted Regulation 18944.2, “State and local government agencies are required to disclose payments made to the agency when payments provide a personal benefit to an official of the agency. Examples may include travel,meals, and other benefits. Under certain circumstances, these payments will not result in a gift to the official, but will be considered a gift to the agency.”
The City of Covina has not received a public benefit as defined by Regulation 18944.2 and there are no reports available at this time.
Public Official Appointments Report - Form 806
Pursuant to Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Regulation 18705.05, amended March 2012, “Materiality Standard: Economic Interest in Personal Finances,” each agency must post on its website a single Form 806 which lists all the paid appointed positions. When there is a change in compensation or a new appointment, the Form 806 is updated to reflect the change .
To date, the City of Covina has prepared the following:
Enterprise System Catalog
Senate Bill 272
Approved on October 11,2015, adds a section to the California Public Records Act requiring local agencies to create a catalog of Enterprise Systems by July 1,2016 with annual updates.
Enterprise System
- A multi-departmental system or a system that contains information collected about the public.
- A system that serves as an original source of data within an agency.
- Information Technology security systems, including firewalls and other cybersecurity systems.
- Physical access control systems, employee identification management systems, video monitoring and other physical control systems.
- Infrastructure and mechanical control systems, including those that control or manage street lights, electrical, natural gas or water sewer functions.
- Systems related to 911 dispatch and operation or emergency services.
- Systems that would be restricted from disclosure by Section 6254.19.
- The specific records that the information technology system collects, stores, exchanges or analyzes.
- Create a catalog of enterprise systems, containing:
- Current system vendor
- Current system product
- System’s Purpose
- A description of categories or types of data
- The department that is the prime custodian of the data
- The frequency that system data is collected
- The frequency that system data is updated
- To make the catalog publicly available upon request
- To post the catalog in a prominent location on the agency’s website
Elected Officers
Want to know more about who’s representing your community? Click here to learn more about our council members and their roles in shaping the future of our city.
Statements of Economic Interests (Form 700s) are public documents and any member of the public may inspect and request a copy of any statements. Forms must be made available as soon as possible during regular business hours. Please visit the Covina City Clerk’s Office to request a copy of a Statement of Economic Interests at 125 E. College Street, Covina, California 91723.
Copies of Statement of Economic Interests forms may be obtained at the office of the FPPC located at 1102 Q Street, Suite 3000, Sacramento, California 95811. Additionally, certain local government elected officers’ statements are available in electronic format on the FPPC’s website: https://www.fppc.ca.gov/
Disclosure Statements
Pursuant to Government Code Section 81000, also known as the California Political Reform Act, candidates and campaign committees are required to file campaign disclosure statements which provide detailed accounting information on money spent or contributions received in support or opposition of a candidate, campaign, or measure.
The City Clerk’s Office is the official filing officer for campaign disclosure statements related to elections for the City of Covina and local City ballot and initiative measure. Additional information regarding Campaign Finance Reporting is available on the website of the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC).
Beginning January 1, 2021, AB2151 requires campaign statements and reports to be posted online within 72 hours of each applicable filing deadline. If the final day of the 72-hour period is a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, the period is extended to the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday,or holiday. Additionally, the data made available on the internet shall not contain the street name and building number of the persons or entity representatives listed on the electronically filed forms or any bank account number required to be disclosed by the filer. The local filing officer shall make a complete, unredacted copy of any statement, report, or other document filed pursuant to this section, including any street names, building numbers, and bank account numbers disclosed by the filer, available to any person upon request at $0.10 per page.
Campaign statements from prior years may be requested under the California Public Records Act. Requests may be submitted directly to the City Clerk’s Office by email to [email protected].